Барбара Ленни (Bárbara Lennie nude scenes in "Magical Girl" 2014)
Патриша Кларксон (Patricia Clarkson nude scenes in "October Gale" 2014)
Астрид Берже-Фрисби (Àstrid Bergès-Frisbey nude scenes in "Juliette" 2013)
Астрид Берже-Фрисби (Àstrid Bergès-Frisbey nude scenes in "Extase" 2009)
Анна Пэкуин (Anna Paquin nude scenes in "True Blood" s07e01 2014)
Шеннон Твид (Shannon Tweed nude scenes in "Electra" 1996)
Сиенна Миллер (Sienna Miller nude scenes in "Two Jacks" 2012)
Леди Гага (Lady Gaga nude scenes in "The Abramovic Method" 2013)
Ellen Page nude scene in Into the Forest
Eliza Dushku Nude Scene In Banshee Series ScandalPlanet.Com
Бьянка Кайлич (Bianca Kajlich nude scenes in "30 Minutes or Less" 2011)
Элизабет Олсен (Elizabeth Olsen nude scenes in "Martha Marcy May Marlene" 2011)
Ана де Армас (Ana de Armas nude scenes in "Blade Runner 2049" 2017)
Эли Кобрин (Ali Cobrin nude scenes in "American Reunion" 2012)
Эмили Мортимер (Emily Mortimer nude scenes in "The Sleeping Dictionary" 2003)
Луиз Моно (Louise Monot nude scenes in "Girl on a Bicycle" 2013)
Софи Лоу (Sophie Lowe nude scenes in "Autumn Blood" 2013)
Эмма Бут (Emma Booth nude scenes in "Hounds of Love" 2016)
Лора Линни (Laura Linney nude scenes in "The Other Man" 2008)